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Sex Toys – The Full Length Version

Written and Directed by Carl Aspden Pomfret

Sex Toys – The Full Length Version, is the continuation of the lives of Jillian, Carol and Cameron with all the intricacies and much more from the multi-award winning one-act play version and introduces more diverse characters.

This hilarious and exhilarating play delivers an adult content show without being lewd.

Carol has it all. Youth, security and the love of her life, Bobby. But when he starts making presents of racy lingerie and even more unusually, introducing sex toys into their love life, Carol's growing concern intensifies.

She decides to seek advice from the two people least equipped to provide it – her two best friends, Jillian and Cameron. Both may be well versed in the matters of the flesh but have little or no experience in the matters of the heart. So in steps the mysterious Madam Triple X and thing go from comedy to farce!

This fast paced journey into the lives of a group of friends, cleverly illustrates the ambiguity which everyday life presents to us all including plenty of partnership doubts, mistrust, love, anger, forgiveness, diversity and sex with great humour and insight.

Book now


Friday, March 13 – Saturday, March 28


Roxy Lane Theatre
55 Ninth Ave (cnr Roxy Lane)
Maylands, Western Australia


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