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HOME Exhibition

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An exhibition exploring stories of migration and the meaning of home drawn from the City of Wanneroo’s cultural collections.

Bringing together personal narratives, creative works and opportunities to engage with the tangible and intangible practices, traditions, knowledge and stories of our diverse community.

The exhibition features artists Courtney Hill-Aaron, Merisa Bickerstaff, Claire Davenhall, Susan Hoy, Helen O'Hara, Olga Perova, Judy Rogers, Valerie Shaw and Shirley Treasure.

Paired with a new permanent display in the museum that highlights migration stories of the Wanneroo region, visit the Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre this summer.


Monday, November 18, 2019 – Saturday, February 01, 2020


Wanneroo Gallery
3 Rocca Way
Wanneroo, Western Australia


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