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An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young

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Neuroplasticity and Learning Changing Brains, Exploring a New Reality – Neuroplasticity and Learning Presented by the CSC WA ‘Barbara’s story…is truly heroic, on par with the achievements of Helen Keller.’ Norman Doidge MD, author of the New York Times Bestseller, The Brain That Changes Itself.

Born with severe learning disabilities, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young struggled to comprehend language, reading and writing as a child. After chancing upon research at graduate school, she was inspired to develop cognitive exercises to 'fix' her brain. Beginning in 1978, Barbara’s work has been recognised as one of the first examples of the practical application of neuroplasticity – the ability of the brain to change and rewire itself over one’s lifetime. As the Director of Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program, she continues to develop and refine programs for students with learning difficulties.

In this presentation, Barbara will talk about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She will discuss the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program, which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She will describe how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school, as well as in life, and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed.

The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges. All tickets include a copy of the book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain.


7.00 – 8.30pm Tuesday, 11 February


Octagon Theatre
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, Western Australia


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