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2017 LiveLighter SJ Community Fair

This event has passed!

This year's Fair proves to be bigger and better than before.

The Mundijong Oval will have several exhibits on it this year – vintage cars and bikes, kite display, Scottish pipe band – sponsored by MZI Resources Climbing Wall – Sponsored by The Glades at Byford plus loads more.

In Paterson Street will be hot rods, Boost Juice, showbags, Federal Member for Canning Andrew Hastie, FREE face painting at the Mundijong Library, Sustainability Corner at SJ Landcare, cake stall at the Girl Guides, soup kitchen at the United Heritage Church, Mundijong Arts and Crafts will be open, Wax hands, Spud Wagon Heritage FM along with over 150 market stalls.

ATMs will be on site for your convenience during the day.

  • * Market stalls
  • * Art, Photography, Woodwork, Metalwork and Textiles Exhibition
  • * Show Rides & Show Bags
  • * Kids entertainment
  • * Roving street entertainment
  • * International foods, drinks, coffee
  • FREE ENTRY into the Fair on the day for everyone

Phone 9525 5917 for any enquiries.

Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/418505105182018/


10.00am – 4.00pm Saturday, 12 August, 2017


Serpentine Jarrahdale CRC
2 Paterson Street
Mundijong, Western Australia 6123, Western Australia

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