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2012 Batavia Lecture Series

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Australia has been a submarine-operating nation since 1914, and soon marks the centenary of its submarine service. Despite the heroic exploits of Australian WW1 submarines however, the country had no submarine force at its next time of greatest need and relied on Allied submarines operating from Fremantle and Brisbane to defend its shores. The next 100 years will see the submarine move to the centre of Australia's military strategy, where the role and impact of Australian submarines in the current century will be far more significant.

Join Peter Horobin and Steve Davies as they look at the past 100 years of Australian submarine operations and why the next 100 years will be even more important.

COST: $12 per person. Includes refreshments after the lecture

BOOKINGS: Essential on 9431 8455.

Please RSVP by 5.00pm, Wednesday 29 August



6.00 – 7.30pm Friday, 31 August


NWS Shipping Theatre, Western Australian Maritime Museum
Victoria Quay
Fremantle, Western Australia

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