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2011 Celebration of Women Long Table Lunch

This event has passed!

Breast Cancer Care WA are proud to invite you to the Celebration of Women Long Table Lunch!

Tickets are on sale now at $140 per person.

Please call 9324 3703 to purchase your tickets!

Be delighted by the good company, generosity and sincerity of this signature fundraising event showcasing an incredible talent of WA's best chefs and quality local produce. Make it a day to share with friends, be beautiful, relax, enjoy entertainment and take a moment to pause and support Western Australians through a breast cancer journey. Don't miss the opportunity to delight yourself on a delectable 4 course menu presented by a team of Perth's most talented chefs accompanied by fine Alkoomi wines.

For more information please visit http://www.breastcancer.org.au/events/long-table-lunch/default.aspx


11.00am – 5.00pm Sunday, 17 April


Claremont Showground
Graylands Road
Claremont, Western Australia

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The Byrneleigh, Nedlands

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