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“Cheers for 102 Years”Concert

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“Cheers for 102 Years” is a free concert hosted by the Friends of ANZAC Cottage, thanking the community for the building, the caring for and honouring of historic ANZAC Cottage in Mt Hawthorn.

Built in one day in February 1916 by volunteer community members, the Cottage was officially opened on April 16, 1916. On that occasion, Private John Porter, suffering from shell shock was unable to offer his thanks to the community, so, 102 years later, the Friends plan to remedy this situation.

Featuring the amazing “Subdividers”, a rock ‘n’ roll band with a repertoire of the most loved songs through the ages, the concert will take place on April 15 from 5pm to 7pm at the Mt Hawthorn Primary School. There will be a sausage sizzle and drinks available at affordable prices, courtesy of the Fathering Project, and people are invited to bring their rugs and camp chairs and be prepared to “rock their cares away”.

For more information, please contact Anne on 0411 44 55 82 or email [email protected]


5.00 – 7.00pm Sunday, 15 April, 2018


Mt Hawthorn Primary School
1 Killarney St
Mt Hawthorn, Western Australia


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