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“80s Inc” – The best of the 80s – back at the Civic Hotel

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Dust of your fluoro spandex leg warmers, power shoulder pads and parachute pants. After a near sell out show in January, Earl's 6 piece band "80s Inc" will be back at the Civic Hotel (981 Beaufort Street, Inglewood) on Friday 13th June to play some of the very best hits of the 80s – the songs we all know and love. With fine musicians, extremely accurate cover renditions and high production standards, "80s Inc" is Perth's foremost specialist 80s cover band.

Tickets cost $18 per person ($25 at the door) and tickets are available online at http://heatseeker.oztix.com.au/?Event=43181 and at all Heatseeker/Oztix retail outlets. Online booking charges apply. 

Please note the venue is 18+ so no minors will be permitted entry.

For further details about 80s Inc please visit http://earlcolemusic.com/80s_Inc.html or the 80s Inc Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/80sIncBand.


8.00 – 11.50pm Friday, 13 June, 2014


Civic Hotel
981 Beaufort Street
Inglewood, Western Australia

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