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butterfly_effect_by_tony_mottThe Butterfly Effect will tour Australia again, and perform at Metro City in Perth on Friday 24 July 2009.

As formerly noted, The Butterfly Effect will be heading to the UK and Europe for a bunch of shows in April and May. As a coming home present to the Australian fans they have just announced another national tour in July and August!

With special guests Dead Letter Circus and Calling All Cars.

18 + gig

Tickets are $33.00 + booking fee presale and $38.00 on the night if available.
Tickets available from Metro City, www.moshtix.com.au & www.thebutterflyeffect.oztix.com.au. Limited Souvenir T-shirt & entry Ticket available.

The Butterfly Effect website

3K2 theme by Hakan Aydin