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bring_me_the_horizonBring Me The Horizon perform at Capitol on Monday 11 May 2009.

First they gave us a pudding, and now Yorkshire has delivered us their next claim to fame, Bring Me The Horizon. With a penchant for the heavy, these five young British lads have built their hugely loyal fan base by refusing to be confined by boundaries and rules, they just wrote what they wanted to hear and play.
Its not often scene kids, screamo fans and metal-heads can agree on a band, but after Bring Me The Horizons explosive rise in popularity, they have cemented their place among the metalcore elite with their second release, Suicide Season. With chords blazing, discordant vocals blaring and heavy, unrelenting riffs and blistering percussion Absolute Punk, these English lads are returning hardcore to its roots.

Support from Cancer Bats and Australian deathcore masters The Red Shore.

Doors open 8pm.

Tickets from Moshtix for $46 + booking fee.

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