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little_birdyLittle Birdy end their national tour in their home town of Perth on Saturday 30 May 2009 at Capitol.

Katy, Simon, Barney & Matt are ready to hit the road and are armed with an album full of new songs to play you. If you’ve been paying close attention you’d know that the album’s opening song – “Brother” – was released as a free download a few months back and became the most played track of the month on Triple J during February. The raw-boned track features guest vocals and harmonica from Australian music legend Paul Kelly.

Support from Oh Mercy & Felicity Groom.

18+ licensed show

Tickets on sale from Heatseeker, Mills Fremantle, Planet Mt Lawley and Star Perth for $25 + booking fee.

2 Responses to “Little Birdy – 30 May 2009”

  1. 1 Sonja

    Hey – I heard that Littly Birdy were playing at Settlers in Margs too? Do you have the details of that gig please?

  2. 2 Simone

    Yep, the other gigs are on that Heatseeker page too.
    http://www.heatseeker.com.au/gigs.aspx?id=Little Birdy&tid=2&iid=111

    Thursday, May 28, 2009 – Settlers Tavern, Margaret River

    Friday, May 29, 2009 – Prince of Wales Hotel, Bunbury


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