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In the Pines is on again at Somerville Auditorium in the University of Western Australia, on Sunday 26 April 2009.

RTRFM’s biggest annual single day event returns for 2009 on the Sunday of the Anzac Day Long Weekend. Once again we head down to the beautiful Somerville Auditorium, on the campus of the University of Western Australia, for the most special day on the local music calendar, the sublime In the Pines.

The first seven bands to be announce for In the Pines 2009 are:
Abbe May and the Rockin’ Pneumonia
Fall Electric
Mongrel Country
Sugar Army
The Ghost Hotel
The Lazy Railway
and Umpire

Many more to be announced!

Tickets go on sale this week and this year there is an early-bird special. If you buy your ticket before 25 March it is only $10 for RTRFM subscribers and $15 for General Admission. Tickets will be available from Mills, 78s, Planet and for the first time online at rtrfm.com.au.

Gates open 11.30am to 10pm.

3K2 theme by Hakan Aydin