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Matinee shows added, on sale Monday 30 March

French & Saunders, Britain’s most celebrated female comedians, embark on their first – and final – Australian tour and perform at Burswood Theatre in Perth from Thursday 23 to Sunday 26 July 2009. Matinee shows added.

Featuring the best of characters and sketches from the three decades they have been making people laugh, together with new material, French & Saunders live is bound to induce side-splitting responses around the country. Having created some of the most iconic comedic characters as separate entities, from the champagne swilling, drug hoovering Edina Monsoon, to the love sick Revd Geraldine Granger, Dawn French & Jennifer Saunders together have given the world some of the most hilarious sketches, impersonations and parodies.

Tickets on sale from Ticketek. Evening shows SOLD OUT! Matinees on sale Monday 30 March.

3K2 theme by Hakan Aydin