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the_frayThe Fray come to Perth for the first time, and perform at Metro City on Tuesday 17 March 2009.

Bursting onto the scene through a myriad of successes, The Fray claimed 2006 as their own. Monster singles ‘Over My Head’ and ‘How to Save a Life’ saw The Fray rule the airwaves, both singles garnering Grammy Award nominations.
Fast forward to 2009, and The Fray are poised to deliver their finest work to date in the form of second record The Fray. Recorded in 2008 with first album collaborators Aaron Johnson and Mike Flynn, The Fray defies the sophomore slump soaring to the highs that 2006’s debut hinted The Fray were capable of. Lead single ‘You Found Me’ this week sits at #1 on Australia’s ARIA chart.

Support from Secondhand Serenade.

Tickets on sale Monday 9 February from Ticketek for $65.90 + booking fee.

18+ show.

The Fray official website

2 Responses to “The Fray – 17 March 2009”

  1. 1 Concerts and festivals in Perth in 2008 and 2009 | Enjoy Perth!
  2. 2 What’s on in Perth and Fremantle – March 2009 | Enjoy Perth!

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