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Armin van Buuren

Extra tickets on sale 16 May. Will sell out again quickly!!

Armin van Buuren returns to Perth and will be at Metro City for a DJ set on Friday 13 June 2008.

World’s No 1 DJ brings his famous “extended sets” back to Australia, including a Friday Night to a strictly capacity audience in Perth!
On the back of last year’s sold out ‘White Party’ at Metro City, his Armin-only Perth show was voted the ‘Best International Performance’ locally at the Perth Dance Music Awards (PDMAs) in 2007. And it seems the rest of the world agrees, with Armin also taking top spot for the first time in the DJ Mag Top 100 poll last year

Tickets on sale from 7 April from Ticketmaster for $83.50.

Source: Future Entertainment

3K2 theme by Hakan Aydin