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Dutch DJ Armin van Buuren will peform an extended set at Metro City on 8 June 2007.

On the back of his 2004 sold out solo tour and his headlining spots on the 2006 Two Tribes Festivals, Armin will treat Perth with an extended set you’ll need the whole weekend to recover from. Expect to be transported to another world as spectacular visuals and sophisticated sound production beam out to a sea of party people all dressed in WHITE!

It’s all happening from 10pm to 6am and Mark James (Melbourne) and Perth DJ’s will support. It’s an 18+ event. Dress in white, but it’s not compulsory.

Tickets are around $60.00 and available through Ticketmaster, www.inthemix.com.au, 78 Records, DJ Factory, Live Clothing, Mills Records, Planet Video and Rockeby Records.

3 Responses to “Armin van Buuren – 8 June”

  1. 1 Iris

    Congrats, Simone, for being ranked 23 at the Top 100 Australian Blogs Index! 🙂

  2. 2 Simone

    Thank you so much Iris! It’s very exciting! 😀


    This has to be the best gig to hit Perth in 10yrs … if any of you ravers know anything about music this is not one to be missed .. probably the only chance we will ever get to witness Armin in our home town .. this wil be a spiritual moment for 6 hrs … big smiles all round

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