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Borders Bookstore – Hay St Perth

2006 05 27 1151

I have never been in one, but I hear they have a very large amount of books and dvds, and a cafe.
It will be interesting to see how it affects other bookshops in Perth, but apparently the Brisbane one didn’t make the commercials (Dymocks, Angus & Robertson) or the independants close up. It still could have affected them of course.

My source: http://onedogsaid.blogspot.com/

Update: It has opened this morning, and the above blog checked it out, and has posted photo’s, check it out here!

6 Responses to “Borders Bookstore – Hay St Perth”

  1. 1 skribe

    Thanks for the linkage. yes, it did open today. We checked it out. I’ve done a brief write-up about my thoughts plus some pics.

  2. 2 CW

    I’ve visited Borders in Singapore – to be honest I preferred Kinokuniya, which would have to be my favourite ever bookshop. The Borders cafe in the Singapore shop had great food though, so I’ll definitely be checking the Perth one out!

  3. 3 Rodney Olsen

    We dropped into a Borders in Melbourne a couple of years back. I’m going to have to make some time to get into the city to check out the new Perth store.

  4. 4 Simone

    I haven’t been yet, but Pascal went on Saturday with my brother, and friends went too.
    Pascal thought it was quite expensive, but it could’ve been the type of books he was looking at, ha ha!
    Friends of ours bought the ‘400 years Dutch- Australian relations’ book (or something like that) there, it was 20% off!
    They all though it was a nice big range though!

    Pascal made a photo for me, so I’ll add that to the post 😀

    I’ll have to get down there sometime too! Don’t get into the city much these days, but want to make an effort to get there more often!

  5. 5 skribe

    I compared the prices at a few places yesterday and Borders is NOW close to the local shop prices. They weren’t when we first visited on Thursday. One item I noticed had dropped $20 – down to $110.95.

  6. 6 Simone

    Ohhh, interesting!!

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