We celebrated Australia Day mainly on the South Perth foreshore, after having a bbq at friends house. They had become Aussie citizens this morning.
At one stage we walked from the Herrison Island side of the foreshore to the South Perth ferry side, so through the ‘trouble zone’! It was not pleasant…. Both sides were ok though, it was just the middle where we saw only drunken youths, bottles everywhere, police on horseback, SES volunteers…

Watched the fireworks, and then walked back to the car along Mill Point Rd. A lot of people, lots of shouting etc, but no major problems. We prefered King’s Park for the atmosphere last year, but the view of the fireworks was much better from South Perth.
Was a great day all up, very nice weather, a perfect 28 and sunny!!
Published by Simone January 26th, 2006 in What we did
Published by Simone January 21st, 2006
Bought a new camera today…
It’s a
Nikon 7600, and is 7.1 megapixels (old one was 2) and it can do sooooo much more than our old one (kodak easyshare) could, including movies, sepia, panorama assist, etc etc!!
We got it at
JB Hifi, where we got a much better price than we saw anywhere else! By the way, JB Hifi is also great for cds and dvds, among other things. There’s a few shops spread out over the city.

Published by Simone January 3rd, 2006
Twee regenbogen.
Last night it rained!(yippeee!).
Last evening the sky was very special, orange with two rainbows, and later purple and blue.
The photo’s don’t show how special it was.
And another.
Published by Simone January 2nd, 2006
Some maps to use to do a tour of the city: