Archive for July, 2005
This afternoon we went to a few random places.
Last night I went to the Comedy Lounge at the Hyde Park Hotel (North Perth) with two colleagues.

We drove down the freeway, and east onto Mundijong Rd, and into Jarrahdale, where we bought lunch at the Jarrahdale General Store. It was a nice day, and it was busy with people with bikes, biking the Munda Biddi trail that goes through there.
Then we drove 8km on, and ate our lunch at the Lower Picnic Area of Serpentine Dam.
We then walked around the dam area. The water level looked quite low, even with all the rain we’ve had recently.
Driving back through Jarrahdale (a very cute historical town), we went to Gooralong Park, part of Serpentine National Park, and did a short walk there. It was a very nice spot, where you can camp and have bbq’s, and lots of walks start there. You can even walk all the way to Serpentine Falls.

We started of at the Brass Monkey, and ended at the Elephant & Wheelbarrow.
I had already read the sad news last year, that it was permanently closed, but now we saw it. First of all, it was much smaller than I remember. And right next to the Swan River. It was completely abandoned, with very high grass.
On Saturday we drove to Fremantle and had ‘brunch’ at the E-shed Markets (which is very similar to the Freo Markets, but then over at the port) Then we went to the new Maritime Museum (which was partly closed, so free entry), and then we did a 75 min tour of the Submarine, which was well worth the $8!! Our guide was an old Navy officer, who’d spent 13 years on submarines, and the longest he’d been submerged was 10 and a half weeks! It’s so hard to imagine, as the submarine was already soooo cramped with 10 people in it for 1 hour, let alone 62 people for 10 weeks!!!!
On Sunday we had dinner at Anna Vietnamese Restaurant in Leederville, which was a first for Pascal and I, and we’ll go again.
Today I donated blood to the Australian Red Cross Blood Service!
412 ml!