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Archive for May, 2005

Yesterday I went horseriding with friends at the Stables in Yanchep.
I hadn’t rode for 8 years (can’t believe it’d been that long!), but got straight back into it! I felt I was much more in control now too, now that I’m bigger and am more self confident.

We went for a trail ride to the beach and back, for 2 hours! Today I have back pain though, all those muscles that don’t normally get used!

You can do Camel Rides at the Stables too.

Today I was a volunteer at the RSPCA Million Paws walk in South Perth. I had to be there at 7 am to help set up. Then later I meeted/greeted people, manned the information stand, handed out quizzes and was a marshall during the walk. Luckily it didn’t start to rain until it was just about finished, at 12 noon. We had to pack up in the pouring rain though!
All in all it was great fun, and I will certainly do it again, and hopefully more big RSPCA events, of which there aren’t many.
There was all sorts of things going on including dog obedience trials and dogwashing.

Me as a marshall/poopbag dispenser…. 😀

For our seven year anniversary today (of getting together, not marriage!), we had dinner at Santa Fe, a Mexican restaurant on Hay St in Subiaco. It’s a very nice looking place, has a happy hour from 6-7pm, and has some great deals on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Afterwards we went to Ikea and bought a wardrobe, in the bargain corner, ha ha. Nothing at all wrong with it though, only the box was damaged!

3K2 theme by Hakan Aydin