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Archive for December, 2004


Today we walked around John Forrest NP with ‘the in laws’ which took a bit of effort, because it was hot.

Then we had a real Aussie bbq. 😀
2004_12_29_tunnel jf np

Coming out of the cool and shady old railway tunnel.
John Forrest National Park is east of Midland, along the Great Eastern Highway in the Hills. It will cost about $9 per car, or free if you have the annual national parks pass (which is about $52).

Today I dropped Pascal and his parents off at AQWA, and went shopping at Whitfords City myself.

We had a drink at the Breakwater Tavern afterwards, and had noodles from the Noodle box for dinner.



New Maritime Museum seen from the Round House

Today we went sightseeing in Fremantle.

We visited the Round House, the Maritime Museum, the Freo Markets, and had Fish and Chips on the harbour.

Maritime Museum – Shipwreck Galleries – part of the Batavia, and lots of other Dutch stuff!
Unfortunately we ran out of time to go to the Fremantle Prison, but we have seen it before, and the in laws will have to go another time.


This morning Pascal and his parents visited Serpentine Falls National Park.
After I finished work at 1pm, we went to Cohuna Wildlife Park which is in the hills behind Gosnells. It’s not as nice as Caversham Wildlife Park (up in Whiteman Park) or Perth Zoo, but is still a good experience.
Feeding kangaroos at Cohuna

3K2 theme by Hakan Aydin